Urgent: Investigation Needed into Covert Electromagnetic and Psychological Warfare on U.S. Citizens
I am writing to bring to your immediate attention an urgent human rights crisis. Covert psychological and electromagnetic targeting programs, operating through Lockheed Martin Satellites—specifically satellite #76—are actively being used to violate the constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms of American citizens.
The U.S. government—including the Department of Defense, United States Space Force, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and National Security Agency (NSA)—is directly involved in funding, developing, and executing these unethical programs. Innocent American citizens are being targeted without consent, notification, or due process.
Victims of these covert operations face relentless harassment, severe sleep deprivation, invasive thought manipulation, extreme psychological torture, and physical harm caused by electromagnetic and neural interference technologies. These acts constitute clear violations of human rights, constitutional protections, international law, and the fundamental principles of justice and personal autonomy.
Thousands of victims have courageously come forward to report these abuses, only to have their testimonies systematically ignored, dismissed, or actively suppressed. Such silence and denial enable the continued operation and escalation of these criminal activities.
This ongoing assault on the dignity, freedom, and privacy of American citizens cannot be tolerated. I urge immediate action, including:
Initiating a comprehensive congressional investigation into the covert psychological and electromagnetic warfare programs and the specific involvement of the Space Force and other military branches.
Holding public hearings to reveal the full extent of these operations, providing victims the opportunity to testify openly and transparently before Congress.
Introducing robust legislation explicitly prohibiting the use of directed energy weapons, neural manipulation technologies, and other covert electromagnetic warfare methods against American citizens.
Declassifying all documents related to these programs and ending the misuse of national security classifications as a shield for unlawful activities.
These covert programs represent serious crimes against humanity and blatant violations of constitutional protections. No governmental authority has the right to secretly conduct psychological or electromagnetic warfare against its own citizens. Accountability is essential, and those responsible must be brought to justice.
I respectfully demand a formal response clearly outlining your position on this critical issue and detailing the immediate steps you will take to halt these severe abuses. I am prepared to offer additional evidence, documentation, and testimony to support this urgent request.
Failure to immediately act against these unlawful practices equates to complicity in the oppression, torture, and violation of American citizens' most fundamental rights. You have sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution; now is the time to fulfill that obligation and restore justice and dignity to those victimized by these heinous acts.
Respectfully and urgently,
Maxis Richards