Complaint for Injunctive Relief, Damages, and Declaratory Judgment Regarding Unlawful Use of Directed Energy Weapons, V2K Technology, and MKUltra-Type Operations



Plaintiff: Eric Pratt 


Defendants: United States Government, Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Space Force, and associated agencies 


NOW COMES the Plaintiff, Eric Pratt, alleging and stating as follows: 


  1. This Court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §1331, as this action arises under the Constitution and laws of the United States. 

  1. Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1391, as substantial events giving rise to these claims occurred in Oregon. 


  1. Plaintiff alleges direct and intentional harm from unlawful use of Remote Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), Voice-to-Skull (V2K) technology, and MKUltra-type psychological operations. These covert operations have historically been documented through Congressional hearings, Freedom of Information Act disclosures, and expert testimony. 

  1. Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) are advanced weapon systems that emit focused energy in forms such as microwaves, lasers, or electromagnetic radiation. They remotely target individuals, causing acute physical pain, chronic illness, neurological disruption, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbances, and severe psychological distress. Official documentation from the Department of Defense confirms ongoing research, testing, and deployment: ( 

  1. Voice-to-Skull (V2K) refers to technology that transmits voices or auditory stimuli directly into an individual's brain using microwaves or electromagnetic frequencies without external sound sources. The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command's report, "Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons" (1998), confirms the existence and operational capability of this Microwave Auditory Effect: ( 

  1. The MKUltra program, officially exposed through the Church Committee Hearings (1975) and further documented in the Rockefeller Commission Report (, involved unethical human experimentation including psychological torture, mind control, sensory deprivation, and psychoactive drug testing without informed consent. Officially, the program was ordered to be destroyed, and all related research on how to recreate it was to be eliminated. However, substantial evidence, including whistleblower testimonies and declassified documents, indicates MKUltra activities continue covertly under alternate names, notably the current operational code name "Signal": ( Previous MKUltra lawsuits resulted in recognition of the program's abuses, with many victims awarded compensation settlements for psychological and physical harm. The CIA settled multiple lawsuits, including cases in Canada and the United States, compensating individuals subjected to non-consensual mind control experiments. These settlements serve as further proof of the program's existence and the severe damage inflicted upon its victims. 

  1. The United States Space Force, established as an independent branch in 2019, possesses advanced satellite technologies capable of deploying Directed Energy Weapons from orbit, facilitating covert, precise targeting of individuals on the ground. These capabilities include documented use of Lockheed Martin Satellites, specifically satellite number 76 among others: (; 

  1. Plaintiff has experienced documented, medically verified injuries including chronic physical pain, sleep disruption, neurological disturbances, severe psychological distress, and cognitive impairment consistent with exposure to Directed Energy Weapons and V2K harassment. Medical experts have affirmed these symptoms align with exposure to directed energy frequencies, excluding alternative medical explanations. 


Count I – Violation of Fourth Amendment Rights 

  1. Plaintiff alleges violations of his Fourth Amendment rights through unauthorized surveillance, invasive tracking, and illegal monitoring using DEW and V2K technologies, constituting unreasonable searches and seizures. 

Count II – Violation of Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment Rights 

  1. Plaintiff asserts Defendants violated his due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, inflicting psychological harm, physical injury, and deprivation of liberty without due process via covert experimental technologies and psychological operations. 

Count III – Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress 

  1. Plaintiff alleges Defendants knowingly inflicted severe emotional distress through invasive auditory harassment (V2K), ongoing physical attacks, and psychological manipulation, breaching ethical standards and human dignity. 

Count IV – Assault and Battery 

  1. Plaintiff alleges Defendants intentionally used directed-energy technology against him without consent, constituting assault and battery under the law. 

Count V – Torture and Cruel and Unusual Punishment 

  1. Plaintiff asserts Defendants' actions amount to torture, violating international treaties including the United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) (, and breaching the Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. 


Plaintiff respectfully implores this honorable Court to hear this case with an open heart and objective consideration. Numerous similar cases alleging these abuses have been dismissed without proper hearing, leaving countless victims voiceless and unheard. Thousands of individuals experiencing similar abuses have come together, creating support networks and advocacy groups such as, to highlight and combat these inhumane acts. 

This lawsuit represents more than just one individual’s plea for relief; it speaks on behalf of thousands who have suffered in silence, bearing the weight of targeted attacks without recourse. These victims—many of whom have lost their jobs, families, and sense of security—have struggled to find justice in a system that has repeatedly turned a blind eye to their suffering. 

The United States has historically recognized its mistakes in programs such as MKUltra, yet the continuation of these covert abuses under different operational names signifies an alarming disregard for human rights and constitutional protections. Previous lawsuits related to MKUltra and similar covert operations have already demonstrated the legitimacy of these claims, resulting in compensation for some victims. However, countless others remain ignored, left without acknowledgment or resolution. 

Plaintiff urges this Court to take a historic stand in acknowledging these grave injustices, ensuring that this case is not dismissed like so many before it. The people affected by these actions deserve a day in court, an opportunity to present their evidence, and a chance for their voices to be heard. The outcome of this case has the potential to set a vital precedent, possibly paving the way for a future class-action lawsuit, delivering long-awaited accountability and justice for those who have suffered in silence for far too long. 


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests: 

a. Immediate injunctive relief ordering Defendants to cease all directed-energy and psychological harassment immediately. 

b. Compensatory damages for physical injuries, medical expenses, psychological trauma, emotional distress, and related losses. 

c. Punitive damages to deter further misconduct by Defendants. 

d. Declaratory judgment affirming the unlawful nature of Defendants' conduct and use of technology against Plaintiff. 

e. Recovery of attorney fees, litigation expenses, and court costs. 

f. Any additional relief the Court deems just and appropriate under the circumstances. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Eric Pratt 
1401 Oster Rd 
Gearhart, OR 97138 

DATED this 19th day of March, 2025. 

Immediate Demand to End Covert Psychological and Electromagnetic Targeting Programs

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Uncover my shocking and extraordinary true story involving MKUltra, V2K, Space Force, the CIA, and more. A mind-blowing, groundbreaking journey—unbelievable yet 100% true.

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